Force and Destiny -49- Initiative!

Shockingly (not so shockingly), things have devolved across the universe with all of our pieces of the party. Despite attempts to solve various sticky situations with Force-powers and negotiation, it does look like we're down to surprise attacks and trial-by-champion scenarios. And now, rolling initiative across the known universe, our party is ready to act!

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Force and Destiny -48- Intrigue-ish

Things are moving apace as our duo tries to discover who murdered the man! Well, not The Man, but you know, the man that was killed. That man. Killed with imported poison, no less. Someone is under arrest, but is she guilty? Or has she been framed? Was Duxa's reading correct? Or is there more going on here? Complications and intrigue--just the thing for a Monday morning, right?

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Force and Destiny -47- ...Poison?

Oh no! This episode is late! That's what I get for being overly prepared too early in the week--I drop the ball on the actual queuing-the-episode-up-to-post part. I trust that has only served to increase your anticipation! So without further ado, let us find out what our half-split party is doing...and what this poison thing might just be about.

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Force and Destiny -46- Split-o-split

Well, dear friends, thus far the Splitting o' the Party has not yet resulted in dire destruction. Of course, you know this party, and thus I know you know what a hair's breadth lies between the party split and the party's doom. Perhaps in this very episode? We shall discover together! 

Editor's note: one of our players struggled with some audio connection issues this episode, and for that we apologize. His decisions and intentions in the episode are still clear, and the episode remains, as we always hope, entertaining.  

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Force and Destiny -45- Investigate!

Half of our party is in charge of handling some difficulties on Mon Calamari. One of them may or may not be too squishy to be comfortable on this wave-based planet. Squishy or not, there's an investigation about to go down! What will they discover? Who is responsible? Why did it happen? Where did it all begin? When will the answers be found? How will they know the truth? The answer to all is of course: The Force. It's always the Force! 

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Force and Destiny -44- Robot-gotiation

Some things have happened, as expected. The party was split, unsurprising, really. Now our favorite not-currently-killing-people droid is talking to some Mon Calamari about some situation that's problematic. So of course this is going to make it better. (I certainly hope everyone listening to this has developed appropriate expectations and adequate sarcasm meters. Please.) Let's find out how better it's going to be!

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Blades in Gastown -2- Alternative Conflict Resolution Tactics

Don't mind us! We're just... BARGEing in! Get it? Barge? I kill me. We kill a lot of things, really....

Also, sorry for the audio quality! Andrew got a 1-3 on his Tinker, but it seems like we've fixed it for the next session.

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Force and Destiny -42- Choices

This is the conversation that occurs about 15 minutes into this episode:

“This audio may not be usable.”

“I mean, let’s just cut out the parts where everything goes to 11 for four seconds.”

“How much do we hate our listeners?”

“I mean you could just turn it down a little bit?”

“I’m just really sad that they don’t get the video.”

So you've been warned. There's some wonky audio right at the beginning here, but it's also hilarious; so when I tried to judge how much we may or may not hate our listeners, I balanced it with how funny the whole thing turns out to be. I hope you'll find that I made the right choice. At any rate, I'm sure you'll agree it's a better choice than most of the ones made by our favorite band of "jedi." Speaking of, they've got to make some choices about some missions. I'm sure exactly whatever misguided option you are currently wondering whether or not they chose is exactly correct. All of them. Yes.

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Blades in Gastown -1- Total Eclipse

Hey folks! Erin here. We had a bit of an 'oops' and lost the initial character generation episode. 

We are playing the Fog Hounds, a gang of smugglers.
Mike is 'Belle', the Hound
Erin is 'Ogre', the Cutter
Jordan is 'Bird', the Slide
Jacob is 'Sly', the Lurk

We are big time enemies with a gang called Eclipse. They're jerks. Huge jerks. 

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Force and Destiny -41- Sued?

Everything just gets more "exciting" every time, doesn't it? So the "good" news is that our "fair" protagonists have "rescued" some refugees. Also they have a "forge" that can probably "fix" them. That should go "exactly" not as "planned," if prior experience with this group is any indicator. Especially given they've brought along one of those "Knights of Ren" guys. Of course none of this really "surprising" and should be completely "expected" at this point, but of course it also means this could get "interesting" soon. "Enjoy!"

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Force and Destiny -40- Organic

So last time we ended with some refugees and this sentient forge contraption. Our favorite Force droid has some interest in both for some reasons. Everyone else is just glad they survived the cyborg rancor and some of them have acquired really cool saber weapon mace stabbing majobbers. So what to do with those refugees and that forge contraption? We should probably find out. Somebody needs to keep an eye on this crew, after all.

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Force and Destiny -39- Forging

Hey, so concussion missiles are pretty great, you guys. Also, everyone that we care about survived. But now there are decisions to be made. What to do about the refugees and the servitors and the forge that might be sentient...what to do. One thing I do know, this party can only make the best decisions, especially where dangerous technology is concerned. Especially then.

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