Force and Destiny -67- Dreadnaught

Yavin 4 and the surrounding space is chaos! Chaos, I say! Running and flying and hiding and rolling trees over tanks and robots and soldiers. Or something. I mean, it's chaos--who knows what's really happening around there. What I do know is that is not episode "like 20," as may have been claimed. That's also probably part of the chaos! :-P 

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Force and Destiny -66- Malfunction

Well things have gotten interesting now! Here's the rundown: Duxa--punching up tanks; D'urahl--sweet-talking Kylo Ren ; Kik'tl--setting traps with trees like some kind of Ewok; BR-88--hacking all the things; Raynor--being space pilot extraodinaire; Ald--contributing to student survival. But there's still a tank and a dreadnaught and some not-minion troops! Engage the Force! ...wait, that might not be how the Force works... *shrug* 

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Force and Destiny -65- Psssssshhh

Last time: the First Order landed on Yavin 4 and started doing what they do! Students and "teachers" (I mean you know I can't leave of the quotes for our fair "heroes," right?) went running into the woods! Also TANKS!

This time: Psssssssssshh who needs light side points, anyway? 

Yeah. Yeah. 

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Improbable Interviews - Andrew Gillis

We sat down with Andrew Gillis and talked about genre, westerns, Girl by Moonlight (their upcoming game based on Blades in the Dark, featuring Magical Girls), and a whole lot more. Check them out on Twitter:

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Improbable Interviews - Austin Walker

Holy crap we got to talk to Austin Walker! Come hear him talk about inclusivity, being a PoC in tabletop games, fun DM anecdotes, and much more!
You can follow Austin on Twitter at
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Waypoint is Vice's gaming News site, and contains excellent editorials and a twice-weekly Podcast. You can check out everything they do at or or

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Improbable Interviews - John Harper

We interviewed John Harper (One Seven Design,, also known as the lead designer on Blades in the Dark, Lasers and Feelings, Lady Blackbird, and more! Other cool people we and

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Improbable Interviews - Adam Koebel

Hey nerds! Adam Koebel came to sit down with us and talk about... lots of stuff! If you want to check him out, pick up (award winning) Dungeon World at

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Improbable Interviews - Jerry Holkins

We sit down and talk with Jerry Holkins about D&D, Mouse Guard, A Quiet Year and generally being a nerd in 2018.

Find Jerry on twitter at
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Force and Destiny -64- Hide?

So look, I know that creepy amulets hidden away and belonging to powerful Sith Lords seem like a bad idea to mess around with, but I'm telling you, it's all going to be fine. These things are never as bad as you think they'll be, and besides what's the worst that could happen right now when most of the party is strategizing for their very survival, right? Right?

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Force and Destiny -63- Run!

It's that time again! Time to run from the incoming bad guys! Time to hone that force-punch ability and build those collasible lean-tos! And maybe, just maybe, time to figure out the last peice of that puzzle before the whole thing collapses! There're a lot of exclamation points here, but trust me, they're warranted--there's really a lot of running through the woods needed around here! Vamonos! 

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Force and Destiny -62- Help!!!

Sometimes you want something a lot. You want that last cupcake or that extra X-wing or a dry pair of socks while you trek through the woods or a shiny new crystal. But also sometimes wanting the thing means you fail. FAIL. Ahem. So the next question is, "How do you get that thing you want while also just not wanting it so much?" And also, how do you flirt when you get an answering machine? I'm serious about that one. It's just always an exercise in awkwardness and too much talking and weird little chuckles.... But anyway! Force crystals! Incoming Dreadnaughts! Flirting! Next! 

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Force and Destiny -61- Incoming!

It seems like either trouble is always following our...heroes, or else they're always seeking it out. I mean really, they set out to just help solve an issue and next thing you know there're uprisings and charging rancors and insect-smuggling and force puzzles of doom! Okay, maybe the force puzzles aren't quite of doom, but hey, there's still time! 

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Force and Destiny -60- Rancordux

Rancor you don't have to run and attack us

We just want to finish this quest without all the trouble and the fuss

Rancor you don't have rush at us like a bus

Roar and rumble through the woods in order to destroy us

Rancor you don't have to run and attack us
Rancor you don't have to run and attack us
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)

We feared you since we saw you

We wouldn’t try to hurt you

We just want to finish this job

We won’t share that you let us go

We know you’re big and loud and we won’t stick around

Just don’t attack us this one time and it’s fine

Rancor you don't have to run and attack us
Rancor you don't have to run and attack us
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)


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Force and Destiny -59- Conflict

 Look, I know there's a lot going on around here, and I know that rancors seem to always be everywhere all the time or whatever, but seriously somebody needs to be keeping tabs on that First Order guy y'all decided to cart around with you. I'm just saying he's awful snoopy and sneaky. And maybe also team-teach with Duxa. I mean, really.

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