Force and Destiny -61- Incoming!

It seems like either trouble is always following our...heroes, or else they're always seeking it out. I mean really, they set out to just help solve an issue and next thing you know there're uprisings and charging rancors and insect-smuggling and force puzzles of doom! Okay, maybe the force puzzles aren't quite of doom, but hey, there's still time! 

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Force and Destiny -60- Rancordux

Rancor you don't have to run and attack us

We just want to finish this quest without all the trouble and the fuss

Rancor you don't have rush at us like a bus

Roar and rumble through the woods in order to destroy us

Rancor you don't have to run and attack us
Rancor you don't have to run and attack us
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)

We feared you since we saw you

We wouldn’t try to hurt you

We just want to finish this job

We won’t share that you let us go

We know you’re big and loud and we won’t stick around

Just don’t attack us this one time and it’s fine

Rancor you don't have to run and attack us
Rancor you don't have to run and attack us
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)
Rancor (run and attack us)


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Force and Destiny -59- Conflict

 Look, I know there's a lot going on around here, and I know that rancors seem to always be everywhere all the time or whatever, but seriously somebody needs to be keeping tabs on that First Order guy y'all decided to cart around with you. I'm just saying he's awful snoopy and sneaky. And maybe also team-teach with Duxa. I mean, really.

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Force and Destiny -58- Snooping

Currently the adults are watching the students on Yavin 4 because all the Jedi are...not there? I do use the term "adults" loosely here, but given that the students were all just left to their own devices, I figure I have some leeway. There is, of course, the matter of the creepy evil on Yavin 4 and the fact that one of our fair party is not so...light-side-aligned, let's say. This can only go well, I'm sure.

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Force and Destiny -57- Skillz

Our team of "heroes" is back together! Healing and gathering and mission stuff has now ensued! But what next? A test of skillz and some weapons manufacturing. You might be surprised to learn those are two different things altogether. Oh and....AND...punch discussions forthcoming. Just what you love, I know. Enjoy!

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Force and Destiny -56- Reunited

...and it feels so goooooooood!

Reunited in our brotherandsisterhooooooooood! 

Theeeere's one perfect team

And yeeeeah that team's this team

We're all so excited 'cause we're reunited! Hey! Hey!

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Force and Destiny -55- Stabsploding

Last time, several of our squad reunited! And it was exciting! And they barely escaped being rounded up by the First Order! This week? Well there is that lady in the box on the front of the ship. And there is that one party member who has a lot of wounds. Also there's a coup out there couping. And some Hutts. And the party is still split the one time. So what are the odds all those things get wrapped up this episode? Well, you're the listeners, so if you guessed low, you're probably right and you know it! But the ride's pretty fun anyway!

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Force and Destiny -54- Rejoined!

In a world where many parts fail to split or split again, our party has transcended the odds! In that world there has been punching and explosions, espionage and running. And now, in that world, a change! A reversal! A rejoining of one split of splits! Will it save our punchers and runners? (possible) Will it enhance humorous collisions of personalities? (potentially) Will it happen right now to the delight of all? (indubitably) 

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Force and Destiny -53- Predicaments

Okay. So the party split. Then everyone got all tangled up in drama as they do. Then everyone rolled initiative to battle it out across the entire galaxy. And they have survived. So far. But as well all know (because of course we've all been paying attention, I know), this won't last long. We've already seen some hyperdrive repairs on the literal fly, so it's only a matter of time before we're witnessing even more conundrums from our valiant and sneaky crew.

Force and Destiny -52- Hyperdrive!

In space when things break, you have to fix them! In space, when ships attack, you have to shoot them! And sometimes, you have to do both! So join us now as our fair "heroes" shoot and fly and fix and punch? and fly some more and what's breaking now? Translation: they'd better roll some successes to make it through this episode. Also, let's be real--they could use some light side pips, too. Just...yeah. And away!

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