Swamp Wizards -27- Maybe Frank should not be involved in this one...

Some days you find a sinister mall that’s full of vampires and robots. Some days you find a creepy suburbia full of not-people. And some days you find a suspicious storage space that’s full of…tacky decorations and plastic armor for children. I guess this is one of those days. Also, we really could use a bomb. This’ll be a great combo!

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Swamp Wizards -26- Look, some of the kids thought it was cool.

Well, our magical few is still trying to figure out the thing so they can stop the thing. But first they have to get into the other thing where all the fancy people are. And none of this is normal. So it’s totally normal now. Time to catch a ride!

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Swamp Wizards -25- Why can't it ever be something normal?

So the thing is we’ve been promised ambushes and explosions. I feel that expectation has yet to be properly realized. One thing I do know: it’s about to be strange again and definitely not normal. Get ready.

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Swamp Wizards -24- It's not like a party--it's more like a soirée

Honestly, right now, I don’t even know how to summarize what’s going on. I think the important thing to remember is somebody definitely just made a promise to not explode anything for a while, and that’s a promise we can be pretty sure is about to be broken. Just, I’d bet on some explosions happening. Soon. Without a doubt. Promise broken. Yes.

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Swamp Wizards -23- Warming up the golf cart right now!

Stuff just keeps happening with cars and statues and golf club wands. Also beer cans. Those are the best. Definitely the best.

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Swamp Wizards -22- With apologies to David

Last week we left a statue in a creepy suburban neighborhood! Yay!

Oh also, there’s a special little bit at the beginning-ish where the guys help Mike brainstorm a character! Jokes are told! Then it’s time to drive rambunctiously through Orlando! I know it’s exactly what you’re looking for. Let’s go!

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Swamp Wizards -21- Now there's a cool new statue!


Last time we rolled back through vampire territory. I’m still not sure what’s more frightening: magical vampires or suburban lawn expectations. We’re all tangled up in extra servers and secret projects now. Can our wizards of the wetlands gain the victory? Will we talk to villains on the phone again? Who know! Every episode is an adventure!

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Swamp Wizards -20- Are you going to save the dog?

Welp. Even the best editor makes a flub! Can I blame the end of the semester? Well, I’m gonna. At any rate, it’s time to roll through some vampire territory again! This should go great!

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Swamp Wizards -19- Oh God--they're gonna burn down my house!

Okay, so you’re still here with us. You haven’t run off the porch in fear of vampires and robots. That’s a good thing. Maybe now is the right time to switch to some good, strong coffee. Or maybe some bourbon. I’m just gonna tell you this story isn’t gonna get any less weird. So, if you’re still up for it, it’s almost time to examine that sarcophagus.

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Swamp Wizards -18- Time for a New 9-iron

A lot of things have happened now. There’s a club of robots back at the hideout doing some things. There was some aggressive contact with a telephone pole. A lawn was badly mowed. I, personally, am really interested in those robots. But seriously we also do need to find about that switched-up girl because that also sounds creepy. The robots are creepy, too. We can’t let that slide. Really this whole thing has just gotten weird and creepy, so I guess we’ll just keep on going!

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Swamp Wizards -17- The Great Shamu is not yet satisfied!

Now, apparently, we’re stabbing cars and scaring teenaged girls because vampires. It’s all worth it to take out some more of these vampires. Because, you know, vampires. I promise, it’s even worth all the car crashes. It’ll definitely pay off in the end!

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Swamp Wizards -16- Not the plastic flamingo!!?!

Everything is wild and crazy, and now we’re talking a bunch of creepily samey androids back to the “base.” Oh and also there’s that matter of the replaced girl that somebody needs to be looking into. I guess it’s normal to midly harrass the neighbors while we’re out? Anyway, there’s a plastic flamingo, so get ready. It is time!

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Swamp Wizards -15- We didn't know it was a robot at the time

Robots in the trunk, robots in the construction pit, robots all around? I guess we’re all going to find out now. Nothing can be worse than suddenly ghouls and vampires, right? This should be fine.

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Swamp Wizards -14- There will definitely be a cool story

Hm. Well, so now there’s a pit. Robot-in-the-trunk said it was totally fine, so obviously it’s not totally fine at all, and they should probably figure a way in there and check it out. I, for one, think that’s definitely reasonable. Totally, completely reasonable. Just like keeping that robot in the trunk. Yes.

Never a dull moment around here.

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Swamp Wizards -13- Time for Something Decently Foolish

Look, I can’t explain all the crashing into the mall or the explody construction pit or the vampires, but at least nobody jumped into a pneumatic trash chute. Yet. There’s still time. Can I refresh that iced tea for you?

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Swamp Wizards -12- Look, just shoot the engine block already

Alright alright alright. We found the missing lady and got paid! The fridge is still stocked with medium-quality beer, though, because that’s how Florida Man likes it. Maybe it’s time for a celebrational joy ride? What am I saying—it’s always time for a celebrational joy ride. Whoo-eee! Let’s go!

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Swamp Wizards -11- Aw man...there's another one!

Feelings of impending doom, mental voices, rows of creepy dungeon cells, and definitely feeling like this is not the place to be—sounds like it’s time to check in with our…team of…detective type…people. Yeah.

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Swamp Wizards -10- Time for that feeling of impending doom!

Our team has discovered some trouble. The mystery of a missing woman has turned into some serious weirdness of cult guys, some strage creatures in some in-between place, fractal mouths, and cool pnuemotube trash bins! Oh and also this is all bad. Or is it? Hmmmm.

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